Monday, March 06, 2006

Monday morning.

This coming week should prove interesting. I feel that my plate here in always full and I am never fully able to stand back and assess it.

Monday morning. Always a challenge. I feel that I wake up and can handle getting organized but have trouble planning my day. I can visualize my day, but can’t plan, or rather, make it happen.

I woke up twice today, actually putting my feet on the floor the second time. I stumble into the kitchen of my quiet apartment and make coffee. It is a brand new coffee maker and the idea of rinsing it out or brewing some water the first time around didn’t really occur to me. So I make my usual 4 cups and use my creamer… it tastes funny. Maybe the creamer is expired. Maybe I should have rinsed the coffee maker.

I turn on the Today show and find it so odd that a few subway stops away, these tourists are jumping and screaming at a chance to be viewed by America. I am not sure I could ever do that holding a sign and screaming thing.

I have never been one to scream at famous people. Why? I view them as normal people who have really cool jobs. I do not believe I am jaded, I think I am realistic.

I am very good about returning e-mails on Monday morning. I usually like to start my week with a clear inbox. Today’s replies included messages sent to Dad, Mom, Granny, Bill, a few guys, a few clients.

I need to adjust my perception of “things to do”. Often I fall into an internally self-depreciating and loathing spiral of decadence and defiance to conformity, which yields unproductive behavior. Well, unproductive is a little bold, because I actually do get a lot of things done… I should say “less productive”. Wait, maybe I am too fucking hard on myself.

Why it is hard for me to envision why I should shut the damn iBook, stop typing, and rush to midtown like all of the other corporate monkey?

Instead, I will take my time. I think it is worth it. It is mine and it yeilds productivity in its own quirky way.

Oh, I should fold that laundry... right.


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